The computation of the Black-Scholes option pricing model, considering dividends and including associated Greeks (first, second, and third order), can be a challenging endeavor in Excel.
The worksheet formulas can get really big really fast.
Provided below is a streamlined VBA function designed to compute the Black-Scholes model, accounting for dividend yield, as well as the first-order Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, and Rho).
Calculating second and third-order Greeks, however, is considerably more intricate and typically necessitates the application of numerical techniques such as finite differences or Taylor series expansions. The ensuing code presents the simplified function:
Function BlackScholesWithDividends(S As Double, K As Double, T As Double, r As Double, _
Sigma As Double, Dividend As Double, OptionType As String) As Double
Dim d1 As Double, d2 As Double
Dim CallPutFactor As Double
' Calculate the required variables
d1 = (Log(S / K) + (r - Dividend + 0.5 * Sigma ^ 2) * T) / (Sigma * Sqr(T))
d2 = d1 - Sigma * Sqr(T)
' Determine the Call/Put factor
If OptionType = "Call" Then
CallPutFactor = 1
ElseIf OptionType = "Put" Then
CallPutFactor = -1
BlackScholesWithDividends = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
' Calculate the option price
BlackScholesWithDividends = CallPutFactor * (S * Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(CallPutFactor * d1, 0, 1, True) _
- K * Exp(-r * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(CallPutFactor * d2, 0, 1, True))
End Function
Function BlackScholesDelta(S As Double, K As Double, T As Double, r As Double, _
Sigma As Double, Dividend As Double, OptionType As String) As Double
' Calculate Delta (First Order Greek)
Dim d1 As Double
d1 = (Log(S / K) + (r - Dividend + 0.5 * Sigma ^ 2) * T) / (Sigma * Sqr(T))
If OptionType = "Call" Then
BlackScholesDelta = Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(d1, 0, 1, True)
ElseIf OptionType = "Put" Then
BlackScholesDelta = -Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(-d1, 0, 1, True)
BlackScholesDelta = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End If
End Function
Function BlackScholesGamma(S As Double, K As Double, T As Double, r As Double, _
Sigma As Double, Dividend As Double) As Double
' Calculate Gamma (First Order Greek)
Dim d1 As Double
d1 = (Log(S / K) + (r - Dividend + 0.5 * Sigma ^ 2) * T) / (Sigma * Sqr(T))
BlackScholesGamma = Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(d1, 0, 1, True) / (S * Sigma * Sqr(T))
End Function
Function BlackScholesTheta(S As Double, K As Double, T As Double, r As Double, _
Sigma As Double, Dividend As Double, OptionType As String) As Double
' Calculate Theta (First Order Greek)
Dim d1 As Double, d2 As Double
d1 = (Log(S / K) + (r - Dividend + 0.5 * Sigma ^ 2) * T) / (Sigma * Sqr(T))
d2 = d1 - Sigma * Sqr(T)
If OptionType = "Call" Then
BlackScholesTheta = -(S * Sigma * Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(d1, 0, 1, True)) / (2 * Sqr(T)) _
- r * K * Exp(-r * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(d2, 0, 1, True) + Dividend * S * Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(d1, 0, 1, True)
ElseIf OptionType = "Put" Then
BlackScholesTheta = -(S * Sigma * Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(-d1, 0, 1, True)) / (2 * Sqr(T)) _
+ r * K * Exp(-r * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(-d2, 0, 1, True) - Dividend * S * Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(-d1, 0, 1, True)
BlackScholesTheta = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End If
End Function
Function BlackScholesVega(S As Double, K As Double, T As Double, r As Double, _
Sigma As Double, Dividend As Double) As Double
' Calculate Vega (First Order Greek)
Dim d1 As Double
d1 = (Log(S / K) + (r - Dividend + 0.5 * Sigma ^ 2) * T) / (Sigma * Sqr(T))
BlackScholesVega = S * Exp(-Dividend * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(d1, 0, 1, True) * Sqr(T)
End Function
Function BlackScholesRho(S As Double, K As Double, T As Double, r As Double, _
Sigma As Double, Dividend As Double, OptionType As String) As Double
' Calculate Rho (First Order Greek)
Dim d1 As Double, d2 As Double
d1 = (Log(S / K) + (r - Dividend + 0.5 * Sigma ^ 2) * T) / (Sigma * Sqr(T))
d2 = d1 - Sigma * Sqr(T)
If OptionType = "Call" Then
BlackScholesRho = K * T * Exp(-r * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(d2, 0, 1, True)
ElseIf OptionType = "Put" Then
BlackScholesRho = -K * T * Exp(-r * T) * WorksheetFunction.Norm.S.Dist(-d2, 0, 1, True)
BlackScholesRho = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End If
End Function
To use these functions, you need to have a basic understanding of the Black-Scholes model and its inputs. Each function calculates one of the Greeks